Ordering is done using our webstore, by moving products to shopping cart and paying using Fingu Pay service.
All customer data is treated confidentially.
The contact information gathered during ordering process is used only for product delivery or solving any problems regarding the product or delivery.
Ordering products from So Pretty requires you to agree with our terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions:
Payment methods - - Finland - -
1- Verifone BlueCommerce : service that allows you to pay for your purchases instantly using your bank's online bankingservices.
2- Checkout Finland Oy : service that allows you to pay for your purchases instantly using your bank's online bankingservices.
+ Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard Card Payments, masterpass, Mobile Pay, OP Lasku. Collector Kuluttajalasku ja osamaksu (B2C)
Collector Yrityslasku (B2B)
- - Sweden: PayPal,
You can order also by email. If you do not have a PayPal account or if you want to order by email , payment can be made by direct bank transfer. Please contact us. We will respond to your email as quickly as possible. Email: info@sopretty.fi
So Pretty
Eränkävijäntaival 41 B3
90540 Oulu
Phone: +358449790454
Company ID: 2752138-3
Delivery methods
We deliver items as Finnish Post, SmartPOST, Matkahuolto Near Parcel
Products are normally sent within two days of the order, the exceptions will be informed immediately.
Shipping costs : shipping postal packets 5,95€ and Matkahuolto Near Parcel 6,95€
Postage is free for orders exceeding 59€
Sweden: 13,95€ Post packet
Postage is free for orders exceeding 150€
Delivery time:
Delivery time depends on stock availability, and delivery time of the manufacturer
Usually delivery at Finland 3-5 days
the exact dates are indicated in connection with product options
We are not responsible for delays or indirect damages caused by force majeure
Abnormal delivery times will be informed at front page of our webstore.
So Pretty reserves the right to change the delivery times
Delivery to Sweden is approximately 3-7 days
Shipping cost: 13,95 €
Free shipping for orders over 150 €
Return the defective products:
All returns must be agreed in advance with the merchant. Complaints must be filed within 14 days from receiving the product. Returned products have to be in resellable condition.
You can reach us best by e-mail: info@sopretty.fi
Merchant does not cover the expenditure incurred for a refundunless the refund is not first agreed with the merchant.
The returned product and product packaging must be unused. The amendment to the law(since 13/06/2014) refunds are chargeable to the customer, the customer is required to pay a benefit of return shipping. If return is made only partially from the original product package, the remaining products will be converted to normal prices. You may wish to use the withdrawal form found on the bottom of the page.
Accuracy of contact information: The customer is responsible for the correctness of their contact information.
So Pretty is not responsible for delivery issues if the product can not be delivered due to customer's incorrect, or incomplete address information, door code, or telephone number. So pretty shall not refund costs or damages caused by failed delivery resulting from incorrect or incomplete contact information.
Contact information
For all matters relating to orders reach us as follows: by e-mail info@sopretty.fi, Phone: +358449790454 send SMS / call request, we will contact you!
Withdrawal form
(Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
To [Emirege Oy, Eränkävijäntaival 41 B3, 90540 Oulu Finland, info@sopretty.fi]:
I/We(*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*)contract of sale of the following
goods(*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
Ordered on (*)/received on (*),
Name of consumer(s),
Address of consumer(s),
Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
(*)Delete as appropriate.